April 2, 2017 12:02
It's been quite a week. Since the beginning of my third trimester I've become more aware that D-day is coming soon. I look forward to the birth of Asher. I look forward to the process of labor and the possibility of having the experience that was cut short a few years ago. I'm sure things will be different given the many roadblocks: gestational diabetes->starting medication-> high risk label-> earlier date of induction. I'm still optimistic, but this week we encountered another element; premature contractions. Whether you call them Braxton Hicks or contractions without dilation, they are scary when they are early and without prompting. I've tried to grow accustomed to discomfort since the emergency room visit in my first or second trimester. However, over the last week I've become more uncomfortable and unable to move around like I would like because of cramping. On Thursday and Friday, the cramping got worse and would happen at rest. It seemed as if it was getting regular, but I wasn't sure. I called my doctor and she told me to come in for observation. I was found to be ok, but she exclaimed that I needed to "to take it easy." What exactly does that mean? Well... No lifting. No bending. No reaching. No rushing. Limit the steps. She even suggested having a door to door chauffer to work. I guess I looked skeptical, so she went further to say that it's this or bed rest. That was enough. I picked "taking it easy." Since leaving her office, I have been aware that I may do those forbidden activities more than I suspected. I have to catch myself. Unlike a week ago, I feel contractions or pain after doing those activities. My most humbling moment was getting one of those motor chairs when we went to Sam's Club. I think after about 10 minutes in the store I was feeling badly. I felt sad for a minute and then saw some girls playing on the chairs in the distance and another teenager in a cart that her parents pushed her around. My attitude changed as I saw these girls enjoy their life while I was going to let shame make mine more difficult. I got the nearest chair which was out of battery and the manager brought me over a new one. I felt liberated. I could now move freely without limping, Oooos, and Ahhhhs. It'll take some adjusting to my new restrictions, but the goal is bigger than myself: keep Asher in there as long as possible for a healthy baby and optimal birth. I also feel accepting my restrictions will help me accept the recovery of having a C-section. The most tumultuous aspect of the recovery was mental. It took time to adjust to a loss of independence. I'm not saying that I'm team C-section by any means, but I'm less fearful of letting go and accepting the possibility of getting a C-section and the recovery that goes along with it.
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