May 2, 2017 13:11 It's appointment day. Since week 35, I've had to schedule three appointments each week: non stress test with ultrasound , diabetes, and OB check . I usually cram them on Tuesdays so that I don't have to conquer my three-floor-walk-up more times than needed . We woke up early for our routine. While I was getting my things together, I looked over and saw my hospital bag. I asked Arlinton if we should bring it, but we both decided there was no need and should wait until the time of delivery. However, I think I had a feeling that today may be the day I'd meet little Asher. The first appointment was the non stress test and ultrasound. Every other week, the radiologist checks the amniotic fluid and fetal movements. Last week, we had a little scare because the radiologist saw that my amniotic fluids were low. He told me to drink more water and that he would follow the issue. My amniotic fluids were visibly lower than last week. I knew
April 21, 2017 23:04 I'm finally at week 36. I'm not term, but I'm excited because I no longer have to be frightened if the baby comes. Up until this week, I was in constant fear that each contraction meant I would go into labor and have a baby that I knew didn't have proper lung development. Although he's not "fully cooked" he has baked just enough for my doctor to give me her blessing for delivery. Everything is going great. I may not be able to get around like I'd like or carry my toddler around, but life is good. Staying home from work also did wonders. With some rest, I've been able to get a control of those crazy contractions that made it difficult to do anything. I'm not contraction-free by any means, but the knowledge that Asher and myself will be fine is freeing. This wasn't the case 3 weeks ago when things got bad. The only "bad" thing I could cite is the reality check I received at my last doctor's appoint