January 1, 2017 I'm 20 weeks pregnant. It feels like this pregnancy is going by quicker than the last. Some speculate that I feel it's going faster because I'm busier. I couldn't imagine being busier than I was my first 2 years of residency. However, any year of residency plus Felicity trumps all years. I'm at work most of the day, but when I'm home, I'm all about getting the house in order and being mom. I feel exhausted at this point, I but with continue to prevail. In terms of the pğregnancy, I'm continuing to have bizarre symptoms. First, I have been itching. No rash, no redness, nothing except an itch that won't go away. I thought that it was probably the cold weather, but it's unrelenting. I've also experienced acid reflux quite a bit earlier than I had before. TUMS are once again my best friend. Aside from fatigue I feel more physically weighed down. Our little one may one be 12 ounces, but I think I'm starting to feel e...